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New Day + Desire to do 12 things simultaneously = Task Paralysis

Today is one of those days where I want to do a dozen things at the same time. Meaning, I end up doing nothing at all. Being paralysed, unable to form a decision, is extremely stressful. All I want to do is take up my current read or even play some Animal Crossing or Miles Morales, but I can't. I feel numb and it is nobody's fault. It just is one of those days where you're at the mercy of your own mind.

Who knows, maybe I muster up the energy to start reading "No Longer Human". If something fun isn't on today's schedule, perhaps something more serious will be the solution. Mood reading at its finest.

But anyway, to distract myself a bit, I am contemplating whether I should write my next review about the "Percy Jackson" series as a whole. Since I reread the series in 2021, it might be nice to collect my thoughts on it before more news about the Disney adaptation get released. (Side note on that -- Disney better cast Logan Lerman as Poseidon and Alexandra Daddario as Athena. They most certainly deserve the roles)

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